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Before installation

Please note that PostgreSQL YUM repository and Faraday, depend on EPEL repository for some packages. Users with RHEL, CentOS, etc. should install EPEL repo RPM along with PGDG repo RPMs to satisfy dependencies. In order to do that, follow these instructions:

If you are using RHEL, first run the following command:

Install EPEL using the following command:

yum -y install
Refresh repo by typing the following command:
yum repolist

RedHat8 Installation Guide for PostgreSQL

  1. Install PostgreSQL >= 9.6 (local or remote). Follow the Postgres installation guide for Redhat: Postgres(RedHat)

  2. Download Faraday installer (.rpm)

  3. Go to your Download directory and run the following command
    sudo yum install ./faraday-server_amd64.rpm

    💡 If PostgreSQL is running in a remote machine please follow these instructions, if instead, it is running locally, you need to open the pg_hba.conf file.

There, you need to modify the localhost authentication type from "ident" to "md5". To do this, change host IPV4 local and IPV6 local from "ident" to "md5".

  1. Go to the file:
    $ nano /var/lib/pgsql/POSTGRESQL_VERSION/data/pg_hba.conf  
    Edit the following lines:
    # IPv4 local connections:
    host all         all       md5
    # IPv6 local connections:
    host all         all ::1/128       md5
  2. Once installed, add your user to the faraday group and re-login

    sudo usermod -aG faraday $USER

  3. Restart PostgreSQL server and initialize the database(first time only)
    This will generate a random password, use it for Faraday Web UI and change it

sudo systemctl restart postgresql-XX
sudo faraday-manage initdb

⚠️ Important: In case of being in a SELinux environment run prior to the checks:

sudo setenforce 0

Redis install

sudo dnf install redis

Importing License

Step 1

Import license from Faraday Portal

faraday-manage import-license
In case of offline environment, check import license on Install Guide Advanced

Step 2

  1. Start and enable the autostart of Faraday server by running:
    systemctl start faraday-server
    systemctl enable faraday-server
    systemctl start faraday-worker
    systemctl enable faraday-worker
    systemctl start faraday-worker-reports
    systemctl enable faraday-worker-reports

We highly recommend you to check our First Steps guide.