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Installation Guide for Ubuntu/Debian/Kali


  • Postgres
  • Redis


Please follow the installation guide from the PostgreSQL site for installing PostgreSQL >= 9.6 either local or remote.

# Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install postgresql


Please follow the installation guide from the PostgreSQL site for installing PostgreSQL >= 9.6 either local or remote.

# Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install redis

Installing Faraday

Step 1 - Downloading Faraday Installer

Download the Faraday installer (.deb or .rpm) from:

Step 2 - Installing the package

Go to your Download directory and run the following command:

# For .deb
sudo dpkg -i ./faraday-server_amd64.deb

Step 3 - Adding User to faraday Group

Once installed, add your user to the faraday group and re-login:

sudo usermod -aG faraday $USER

Step 4 - Initializing the Database (first time only)

Initialize the DB, use it for Faraday Web UI and change it:

faraday-manage initdb

Importing License

faraday-manage import-license

Or, in isolated servers, download the license file from the portal and place it in /home/faraday/.faraday/doc/. Remove old license files from the doc folder when renewing the license:

tar xvf {license file}.tar.gz

Post Install (First Time Only)

Start the Faraday server by running:

systemctl start faraday-server
systemctl enable faraday-server

systemctl start faraday-worker
systemctl enable faraday-worker

systemctl start faraday-worker-reports
systemctl enable faraday-worker-reports

We highly recommend checking our First Steps guide and the Advanced Install guide for starting Faraday using nginx and expose ssl certificates.

Update Advanced Install Remote db implementation