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Assets and Services

You can manage your Assets and their associated Services by accessing the Hosts View in the Manage section through the Faraday Web UI.

How to Manage Assets

Create an Asset

From the Assets View, click Add Asset and fill out the form
The only mandatory field is IP v4 or v6

Edit an Asset

From the Assets View, click on the Asset IP field

The services list will be displayed and on the left side you click on Edit button to add or modify details (hostnames, MAC address, owned, OS, description)

Delete an Asset

From the Assets View, select one or more assets and click Delete

How to Manage Services

To manage services for an specific asset, click on the asset IP field you would like to make changes

The services associated to the asset will be displayed, you can also see how many vulnerabilites again each service

Create a Service

From the Services window, click New and fill out the form
Name, Port and Protocol fields are mandatory

Edit a Service

From the Services window, select the service and click Edit