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LDAP Configuration

UI Settings

Using the LDAP integration has never been that easy, now with faraday UI you can use LDAP users and assign roles to the ldap groups, you can configure it going to upper right corner click on the User circle and then hit on preferences.

after this, click on preferences, and go to the Ldap section and click on the activate LDAP slider.

Follow the steps to complete the configuration. Don't forget click on the Save button on the upper corner.

Console Settings

LDAP Users

For the time being Faraday doesn't support a hybrid installation using both LDAP and local users. Enabling LDAP disables local users and vice versa.

In order to configure LDAP, run the following command:

faraday-manage settings -a update ldap

Then update every field according to the configuration on-prem.

$ faraday-manage settings -a update ldap
Update settings for: ldap
enabled [False]:
use_local_roles [True]:
default_local_role [admin]:
admin_group []:
asset_owner_group []:
client_group []:
pentester_group []:
disconnect_timeout [2.0]:
server []:
port [389]:
use_ldaps [False]:
use_start_tls [False]:
domain []:
domain_dn []:
bind_format [CN]:
bind_dn []:
user_class [user]:
user_attribute [sAMAccountName]:
group_class [group]:
paginated_fetch [False]:
Do you confirm your changes on ldap?

Remember to restart the server after doing changes!

systemctl restart faraday-server


If use_local_roles is set to true, any user on the AD will be allowed to use Faraday.