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You can configure SAML single sing-on and keep using local users. But you can't use both LDAP and SAML users at the same time.

Configuration by command line

In order to configure SAML, run the following command:

faraday-manage settings -a update saml

Then update every field according to the configuration on-prem.

$ faraday-manage settings -a update saml
Update settings for: saml
enabled [False]:
display_name [Identity Provider]:
user_role [admin]:
admin_group []:
attribute_identifier []:
sso_url [http://localhost/saml/login]:
sp_certificate []:
sp_private_key []:
idp_certificate []:
Do you confirm your changes on saml?

Remember to restart the server after doing changes!

systemctl restart faraday-server

Configuration by UI Preferences

You can access to SAML configuration on the Authentication section in the menu of your Preferences.

Services available to integrate SAML to Faraday

Here is a list of services with a link to its articles: