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Install Guide

In order to install Faraday Community version, you can use pip to install Faraday or you can clone the repository. Additionally you can either use our docker-compose.yml file that will install all in one place.

Install using Docker

git clone
docker-compose up -d
then run the following to check if the pod is running:

docker-compose ps

Startup docker postgres

docker pull postgres
docker run --name some-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -d postgres

Installation from PyPI

You can install Faraday from PyPI by running the following command:

pip3 install faradaysec

Installation from using pip from source

git clone
cd faraday
pip install .

After Installation

Once the installation is completed, make sure you have a PostgreSQL (local or remote)

Then initialize the database
This will generate a random password, use it for Faraday Web UI and change it

faraday-manage initdb

Start Faraday server by running:

sudo systemctl start faraday-server

We highly recommend you to check our First Steps guide.