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Here are the steps to integrate LDAP to Faraday using OKTA:

Step 1: Navigate to OKTA's website.

Step 2: Sing up.

Remember your user and workdomain from

Step 3: Okta will send you an e-mail with the URL and your temporary password, use those to log-in into Okta.

Step 4: Enter to the Directory Integrations Label from your Okta URL.

Step 5: Click Add LDAP Interface


Step 6: Configure your Faraday Server.

Run the following command:

faraday-manage settings -a update ldap
enabled = true
server = <domain>
domain_dn = OU=users, DC=<domain>, DC=okta, DC=com
domain =<domain>
admin_group = fadmin
pentester_group = fpentester
asset_owner_group = fassetowner
client_group = fclient
use_ldaps = true
use_start_tls = false
port = 636
disconnect_timeout = 2.0
use_local_roles = true
default_local_role = admin
bind_format = DN
bind_dn = dc=<domain>,dc=okta,dc=com

Check our LDAP Article if you need more info.

Step 7: Restart Faraday Server with:

systemctl restart faraday-server

Step 8: Login into Faraday with the User and Password you used to login into Okta.


(Remember you can only access as an Admin user and you can't create more users).